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Zhao Hui

Zhao Hui , Professor, vice-president of Kaifeng University. B.Sc.,

1987, Henan University; Ph.D., 2005, Beijing Institute of Technology;

Postdoc, 2008, Beijing Institute of Technology.

Awards and Honors:

Special governmental allowance financed by the State Countil;

Leader of academic and technical in Henan Province;

Countrywide distinguished scholars of science and technology in chemical industry;

New century excellent talent of Henan Province Academy;

Hainan Excellent Science and Technology Special Commissioner;

Kaifeng excellent talent of techno-specialty and utility administration;

Main research fields:

(1) Environment friendly polymers;

(2) Nano-materials;

(3) Wearable and heat-resistant materials.

Selected publications:

[1] Preparation And Characterization Of Nitrogen-Doped TiO2 Decorated With Different Metal Ion, Advanced Materials Research,

2012, 486: 368-372.

[2] Green chemical decoration of multiwalled carbon nanotubes with polyoxometalate-encapsulated gold nanoparticles: visible light photocatalytic activities,

Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21: 2282-2287

[3] Methoxycarbonyl-terminated Hyperbranched Poly(amine-ester) as Templates for Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles, Journal of nanoparticle research,

2011, 13(3): 1133-1138.

[4] A Novel Method of Hyperbranched Poly(amide-ester) Modifying Nano-SiO2 and Study of MechanicalProperties of PVC/Nano-SiO2 Composites, Polymer composites, 2008, 29(9):1014-1019.

[5] Novel Method of Hyperbranched Polymer Modified Nano-SiO2

Grafting Hyperbranched Poly (amide-ester) from Nano-SiO2 by One-Step Polycondensation, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2008, 17(1):100-103.

[6] Effect of Hyperbranched Poly (amine-ester) Grafted Nano-SiO2 on Reinforcement and Toughness of PVC, Journal of Beijing Institute of

Technology, 2008, 17(1):104-108.

上一条:Shi Zhao-zhong 下一条:Chen Yong


College of Chemical Engineering    2012-06-22