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Fan Wei

Academic title: CCS Member, Professor

Mailing Address :College of Chemical Engineering, Kaifeng University,

Kaifeng, 475004, Henan Province P. R. China


Resume: Prof. Fan, a chemist, the senior visiting

scholars of Institute of Process Engineering (IPE),

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), graduated

from the Chem. Dept., Henan Univ., Kaifeng, China.

Her research is focused on the applied chemistry,

including synthesis and application of ionic liquids

and green process engineering. She participated in

many important research projects, such as the Key

Program of National Natural Science Funding,

National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program),

863 High-tech Project and so on. She was invited to attend

143rd Forumof Young Scientists — Ionic Liquid and

Green Chemistry, and ACS 236th National Meeting.

To date, she has published more than30 papers in journals,

and edited 4 books, among which 5 papers were published

in the SCI citation journals, the total number of SCI citation

by others is 80.

In recognition of her achievements, she was honored by ten

prizes from Henan province and Kaifeng city for Natural

Sciences, three awards “Kaifeng Awards for Science and

Technology progress”.

Selected Publications:

1、Wei Fan,Qing Zhou,et al. Excess Molar Volume and Viscosity Deviation

for Methanol + Methyl Methacrylate Binary System at

T = (283.15 to 333.15) K J. Chem. Eng. Data 2008, 53

2、Wei Fan,Qing Zhou,et al. Density, Excess Molar Volume, and Viscosity

for the Methyl Methacrylate + 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium

Hexafluoro- phosphate Ionic Liquid Binary System

at Atmospheric Pressure J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2009, 54 (8)

3、Wei Fan,Qing Zhou,et al. Thermodynamics properties for imidazolium ionic

liquids + ethyl methacrylate American Chemical Society

Vol 236,137-IEC, AUG-17-2008

4、Fan Wei,Sun Xiaoxia,et al. Research Progress in Fixation of CO_2 Based

on Ionic Liquids Chemical Research 2009,20(3)

5、Fan Wei . Synthesis of Green Solvent Ionic Liquids and

Its Application in Extraction Process Journal of Kaifeng

University 2008,22(3)

上一条:Jing Zhong-jian 下一条:Shi Zhao-zhong


College of Chemical Engineering    2012-06-25