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College Hold Cooperation Contract Ceremony with China Security Limited Liability Company
2011-12-23   审核人:

International Education College And Central China Security Limited Liability Company Hold Cooperation Contract Ceremony

In the afternoon, on the December 21st, International Education College And Central China Limited Liability Company Hold Cooperation Contract Ceremony in the 5thfloor Auditorium ofInternational EducationCollege. The representatives of this ceremony includes the president of Kai Feng University, BaiWusi, Central China Security, GuoZhinjun, the party committee deputy secretary and vice-president of Kai Feng University, Zhu Jianxin, the Chief of Admission and Obtain Employment Office, Zhang Tao, the Party Secretary of International Education College, Wang Yujie, the dean of International Education College, Li Zhi. Dean Li Zhi and manager GuoZhijun signed a cooperation contract; the president of university BaiWusi and manager GuoZhijun also presented the cooperation documents and school souvenirs. After the ceremony, president Bai and manager Guo inaugurated for “Central China Security Limited Liability Company, the base of personal traning”.

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