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The International Education College held the activities of introducing and explaining new courses
2013-02-22   审核人:

The International Education College held the activities of introducing and explaining new courses

On the afternoon of February 21st, the Institute of International Education held the new curriculum teaching design of the second semester of 2012-2013 school year in the room 303.

All the teachers of the college took part in the activity. Before the activity, college held its first plenary meeting in this semester, mainly learned the new spirit of the meeting of middle-level cadres. Dean Li Zhi and Secretary Wang Yujie from two aspects of teaching and student management respectively, pointed out this semester's work focus and encouraged everyone to work jointly to overcome difficulties and to make due contributions to the development of the college. After the meeting, the new curriculum teaching activities in this semester began.

The teaching course included five ones , such as "accounting basis" taught by Ms Li Aoran and "chain management principles and practice " taught by Ms Wang Xia. The activity went on well in accordance with the requirements of Administration Office. After that, other teachers made comments, pointed out their advantages and disadvantages, and put forward some suggestions for improvement.

Teaching activity is one of the important measures to improve quality of teaching. Such activities not only can help teachers to improve teaching methods, but also to promote mutual learning between teachers. They could learn from each other, improve teaching quality, and adapt to the new situation of the development of the university and the college.

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