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The Graduation Ceremony of 2011was Held
2012-06-18   审核人:

The Graduation Ceremony of 2011was Held in The international Education College

In the morning, on June 13 ,2011, the graduation ceremony of international education college was held in auditorium.The representatives for this meeting include the assistant of president inCanada Marie Victorin, Ms. Sylvie, the representative of college, Ms. Nancy, the vice-president of New Zealand Nelson institute of science and technology college Mr. Graham, Bell, dean of business school Mr, Ian Liszt, the representatives Lisa, Rose and Naiqi Yang, the secretary of Party Committee of Kaifeng university Mohua Lin, the president of Kaifeng universityWusi Bai, the dean of International Education College Zhi Li and all of students and teachers .President WusiBai presents for the Party Committee and Administration of our university to show his congratulation for all the graduated students. he has also thanked for the hard working of all the domestic and foreign teachers in our international cooperation program. The assistant of president in Canada Marie Victor College, Ms. Sylvie, the vice-president of New Zealand Nelson institute of science and technology college Mr. Graham, Bell, and the dean of Kai Feng University International Education College Zhi Li show their congratulations for all the graduated students, and they also report their personal expectation, they are thankful for all the hard workings of both domestic and foreign teachers as well.

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