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International Education College continue to carry out internal observe curricular activities
2012-06-18   审核人:

International Education College continue to carry out internal observe curricular activities

In the afternoon of the 10th, in the 204 classroom of our college to carry out the , observe curricular teaching and researching activities. International Education College's Dean Li Zhi, vice dean Yuan Chang zheng and all of our college's teachers to participate in observation,《human resource management 》courses,The teacher of teaching the courses is a new teachers Wang Xia .Her object is teaching 2009 Business Administration professional three classes.

After the class,International Education College's weekly teaching seminar. The teaching and research aim at observing the lessons commenced. First,teachers in proper order comment the teaching method of Wang Xia,point out the advantages and disadvantages, and then focus on 《human resource management》the cours's properties and characteristics to discussion pedagogy of the course.

International Education College 2011-11-10

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