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International Education College to carry out variety of special events in the classroom
2012-06-18   审核人:

International Education College to carry out variety of special events in the classroom

Recently, From 2010 Canadian teacher, Angela, taught English II, Her student conducted group scene performance and imitate interview activity.

Group performance activity is through group in the classroom and guide the students targeted practice, the grouping of students conducted the scenario performance. The classroom atmosphere is warmly, The students' enthusiasm is high. After class, the students have said that this activity not only increase interest in learning English, At the same time improve the oral expression and collaboration capabilities.

The interview activity take the form of one on one, By the teacher to ask questions, or student ballot, Then through the inspiration, guidance, Make students more fluent to express in English. This form is relatively new and has a strong practical, The students have said that through this activity not only exercise oral English, Also improve the communication skills and interview techniques.

International Education College

Jiang Dashan


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International Education College of University Kaifeng Tel:+86.0371-23810505.QQ:303540074
