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Make our life more beautiful - concerned about the mental health
2012-10-29   审核人:

Make our life more beautiful - concerned about the mental health

October 23, 2012, the College of Business Administration Youth League to carry out the activities concerned about the mental health of college students.

Every classes prepare a theme poster theme is concerned about mental health, to make life more beautiful. Ask someone there for poster viewing scores to select the most popular theme poster. The students also spontaneously established Student Psychological Association, concerned about the mental health of college students. Through a variety of activities, universal knowledge of mental health on college campuses, expanding students 'mental stock of knowledge, to help students deal with, to some extent, solve the problems encountered in life, the development potential of the students' psychological health.

With the rapid development of society, the pace of life of the people is the ever-accelerating more and more intense competition, has become increasingly complex interpersonal relationships; due to the rapid progress of science and technology, knowledge explosive increase, forcing people to knowledge supplement . On psychological health education, physical and mental health of all colleges and universities urgent needs and issues of common concern, so a lot to carry out such activities more conducive to college students.

Psychological education as an indispensable part of student life, we want to continue to try and explore strive to do better, so that everyone can have the soul of the sun.

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